Home > Product > 01. ACS ACUPRESSURE INSTRUMENTS > ACS Acupressure Pocket Exerciser - General Small

ACS Acupressure Pocket Exerciser - General Small

Price : 50

Product Details

I. Code
10 cm
14 cm
2 cm
40 gm
Hsn Code
QTY in Per Box

Product Description

Acupressure Pocket Exerciser (Big with Mag.) is based on Acupressure treatment therapy Acupressure Pocket Exerciser is compact effective & small equipment with tiny Acupressure points. Acupressure Pocket Exerciser Big Headaches mental tensionsinuses insomnia depression increase memory improves digestion and cures stomach disorders. Removes finger stress and best for physical health. Made up of standard quality material & unbreakable. Acupressure Pocket Exerciser Big is called pocket exerciser due to its big size. 

छोटे आकार का जेब में रखा जा सकने के कारण इसे पॉकेट एक्सरसाईजर कहते है। यह हाथ व अंगुलियों की कसरत के लिये उत्तम है। सिर दर्द, तनाव व जुकाम की स्थिति में अंगुलियों से प्रेशर देवें तथा पेट गैस व कब्ज के समय हथेली के केन्द्र में प्रेशर देवें। डायबिटीज की तकलीफ वालें लोग भी इसका उपयोग करें।

It is based on Acupressure treatment therapy. It is compact, effective & small equipment with tiny Acupressure points.

It is called a pocket exerciser due to its small size.


* Computer Operators House Wives, Senior Citizenm Players of Tennis, Golf and badminton, Cricket, etc.
* Musician, Playing  Piano, Violin, Guitar for better Flexibility of the Fingers.
* Recommended by doctor and Physiotherapist for exercising, good for blood circulation.
* Headache, Mental tension, Sinuses, Insomnia, Depression.
* Increases Memory, Improves Digestion & Cures Stomach Disorders.
* Removes Finger Stress/Pain and Numbness of Hands.
* For House wives. Best for Physical Health.
* Finger / Hand pain reliever, Activates blood Circulation, Tones up muscles.

HAND MASSAGER: Handheld spring massager is used 4-5 times in a day, by pressing and pumping action with fingers for 2-3 minutes at a time. This stimulates all tips of fingers and areas corresponding to the heart, pancreas(for diabetes), and stomach. Hand massager helps in diabetes, all hear problems, HBP, LBP, cholesterol, migraine, hand, and feet numbness, etc problems, arthritis, headache, loss of memory, all joint muscular pain, paralysis, skin problem, obesity, skin, ear and eye problems. Etc.

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